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2024 Scholarship

Kingdom Scholarship Application

MM slash DD slash YYYY
The scholarship application is only open to current Kingdom Fellowship AME Church members.
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Name(Required)
List the sibling and there current grade level. If you do not have a sibling type “N/A”

HIgh School Information

If yes, where do you work and what type of work are you currently doing?

Academic Achievement/Scholarship

If you did not take the SAT write in the name of the standardized test you did take and the score you received.
If you did not take the ACT write in the name of the standardized test you did take and the score you received.
School Involvement. Select ALL that apply(Required)
Provide the name of the award(s) or recognition(s) and the year(s) you received it. If you did not receive any TYPE “N/A.”

Church Involvement

Have you served in a Kingdom Group or Ministry? Select ALL that apply.(Required)
If you have not served in a Kingdom Group, Ministry or any Outreach initiatives TYPE N/A.
If you did not serve TYPE N/A
If you did not participate in any community service during your time in high school TYPE N/A

Need Based Scholarship

How do you plan to defray expenses for your education?(Required)
Max. file size: 300 MB.
Upload a letter of recommendation from a teacher, principal, guidance counselor or another member from your high school.
Max. file size: 300 MB.
Upload a letter of recommendation from a Kingdom Fellowship member, ministry lead, or leader.
Max. file size: 300 MB.
Max. file size: 300 MB.
Applicant Signature
By submitting your signature you confirm that all information submitted in the application are true and accurate to the best of your knowledge.